Bob Froud

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Mindfulness & More

We can all suffer stress and anxiety in our work and home life; there is however a significant difference between the two.

Stress is directly linked to how we solve problems or difficulties in life and work, without it we would have no motivation to learn or develop nor to survive as individuals or as a species. Problems occur when that stress has no rise or fall in daily living, when it is constant or excessive as a result of specific sometimes overwhelming events that can happen to any of us. It is then that stress becomes dangerous to both our mental and physical health and well-being, managing that stress is vital to both self and those you care for.

Anxiety causes stress just as stress can cause anxiety; however, anxiety is about unknowns and uncertainties, about worrying over what might or might not happen, what you might or might not have at some unknown near or distant time. While perhaps it can in some cases be seen as constructive as, for example in developing farming and grain silos against future famine, mostly it is unhelpful at best and seriously destructive at worst. and practice has proven highly effective and beneficial in helping people improve their health and in managing their living and working lives.

...& More refers to additional and effective techniques and strategies for coping with stress and anxiety at both work and at home and learning how to draw on the strengths, qualities and abilities that you have when you need them.
Mindfulness & More sessions can be:

  1. 1:1 - 6 x 1 hour weekly sessions.
  2. Group - 6 x 1 hour or 1.5sessions (depending on size of group)
  3. One-off Group ½ day training (see training)



“The whole day was thought provoking and useful. Support from yourself and others attending invaluable, thank you”

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Contact Me

If you would like to get in touch, please do:

Call: 07980 639502

Or use the contact form.