Workshops & Mindfulness Groups
All of the following are drawn primarily from an Integrative Humanistic/CBT approach to therapeutic counselling. The safety of attendees, just as it is with clients, is paramount and all workshops are delivered with respect for diversity as well as personal and professional boundaries and reflect appropriate BACP Ethical Practice throughout.
All Workshops include experiential exercises, PowerPoint presentations, group discussions, hand-outs and Certificates of Attendance as appropriate to the workshop.
- Group Size: min – 6; max - 24
- Please contact me with regard to Fees which will include any travel or necessary accommodation costs.
- 15% Discount for Weekend Workshops
- Fees are negotiable for Charities and Voluntary Organisations.
For Business, Organisation and/or Agency Staff:
“Mental health problems cost employers in the UK £30 billion a year through lost production, recruitment and absence…” - ACAS
- Mindfulness & More – ½ day training in how to manage stress and anxiety at both work and at home as well as discovering and learning how to draw on the strengths, qualities and abilities that you have when you need them.
- Psychological First Aid – 1 day training in Stress and Trauma; providing knowledge, understanding and skills in how to manage and help both your self and others in stressful or distressing situations. This includes Trauma Risk Management training in the event of crisis or catastrophe until either emergency services or appropriate professional help becomes available.
- Understanding Self-Harm – 1 day workshop providing knowledge, awareness and understanding of self-harming behaviour and the skills to assess risk and provide appropriate help, advice and/or referral as relevant to Safe Practice and Organisational Policies and Procedures. This is also about ensuring the safety of attendees with particular regard to Personal and Professional boundaries.
For Professionals and Counselling Students:
“Though the single most common therapeutic error is avoidance of the traumatic material, probably the second most common error is premature or precipitate engagement in exploratory work without sufficient attention to the tasks of establishing safety and securing a therapeutic alliance.” Judith Herman, 1997
- Trauma & Safe Practice (A) – 1 day workshop for Students covering the Neurophysiology of Trauma, the use of Psycho-ed in practice as well as knowledge and understanding of Mindfulness, Somatic Awareness, relaxation, self-healing exercises and appropriate use of Creative Imagery techniques for managing stress, depression and anxiety.
- Trauma & Safe Practice (B) – 2 day workshop for Qualified Practitioners, including material from above with further and more directive interventions in working with trauma including experiential practice with effective Safe Place work, Rewind and other Creative Imagery and Visualisation exercises.
- Working with Self-Harm - 1 day workshop for Qualified Practitioners and Students providing knowledge, awareness and understanding of self-harming behaviour, enabling effective Risk Assessment, Harm Minimisation strategies, Mindfulness, Safe Place and Creative Imagery exercises and awareness of Personal and Professional boundaries.
As a trainer:
I am a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and CBT/EMDR Therapist as well as a qualified Clinical Supervisor and have been delivering training workshops as well as presentations for the last 4 years. These include workshops in "Understanding Self-harm", "Working with Self-harm" and "Working with Trauma and Safe Practice" as well as leading Mindfulness Stress and Relaxation Groups.
What I bring to my workshops as a Trainer is my knowledge and experience of structure and process that reflects 14 years of observation and experience as a student and Clinical Practitioner as well as my studies into Social Dynamics, Group Psychotherapy and Group Supervision. This also reflects my awareness of the importance for attendees to experience my workshops as interesting, informative and hopefully exciting.
Feedback from previous workshops delivered for Organisations, Agencies and other Professionals includes:
- “The knowledge of the trainer was an inspiration, meeting others who work in the same circumstances.”
- “Being able to practice what we had been taught”
- “Explanation of psychology of the brain in a straight forward way, able to understand”
- “Really well delivered – day sped by”
- “The clarity brought to a complex subject. I appreciated the attention given to structure and not trying to include everything by going off at tangents. Connections made in response to participants’ contributions were helpful”
- “The whole day was thought provoking and useful. Support from yourself and others attending invaluable, thank you”